冰碛谷的运动 & Recreation Management program offers a comprehensive curriculum with a unique integrative business approach and provides a solid background for study in sport and recreation management. This program prepares graduates for professional careers in the recreation industry and provides them with skills to plan and implement recreation and sports programs, 服务, and activities for people from diverse backgrounds and a wide range of activities.




"Moraine Valley's program greatly impacted my career. From my very first semester here we were always connecting with professionals, visiting a variety of park districts and other facilities in the field, and it's made me the professional that I am today."




"Moraine Valley was the starting point to my career in recreation. The school was always very big on getting out into the community, and actually volunteering as a person at a park district. That way, you get to meet and network with other people. The networking skills from Moraine Valley have been transformed into other aspects of my career. I've been on the South Suburban Board, I'm always meeting new people in the field."

Students that earn a degree in Sport and Recreation Management are able to pursue a variety of career opportunities with Public Parks and Recreation Agencies, 自然资源管理, Outdoor and Adventure Recreation, 校园娱乐, 军事娱乐, 营地, Professional Sports Organizations and Commercial Fitness Businesses.

  • 公园区
  • Indoor and Outdoor Aquatic Facilities
  • 高尔夫球场
  • 游轮
  • 健身中心
  • 娱乐及主题公园
  • 露营地
  • 州立和国家公园
  • 冰领域
  • 度假村
  • 体操竞技场
  • 网球设施
  • 多功能体育馆
  • 文化艺术中心
  • 退休社区

Careers in sport and recreation management offer a variety of job opportunities including but not limited to:

  • 体育设施管理
  • 市场营销/公共关系
  • 公园管理员
  • 健身俱乐部经理
  • Outdoor Adventure Center Manager
  • 体育主管
  • 基督教青年会青年领袖
  • Sports Information Specialist
  • 水上运动主管
  • 教练总监
  • 特别活动协调员
  • 体育营销专员
  • 社区中心主任

就业 of recreation workers is projected to grow 10% from 2021 to 2031, about as fast as the average for all occupations. As more emphasis is placed on the importance of lifelong well-being, more recreation workers will be needed to work with children and adults in a variety of settings.

来源: U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics

To be admitted to this program, please submit your general admission application to and then contact Sue Kempczynski via kempczynski@bjdfly.net or by completing the inquiry form at the bottom of this page.

Required Career courses for the program are only offered once a year so it is critical to seek advising from the program coordinator to guide you in selecting the right courses to complete your Associate of Applied Science Degree.


Sport and Recreation ManagementA.A.S.1261公共服务



Start your admission application

康纳·帕里什(橡树草坪), shared his educational journey while on a panel for the Illinois Project Lead the Way meeting.


